Name: Age of Empires In order for these codes to work you must first access the chat window by hitting enter, then type in the cheat and hit enter again. Diediedie- All other players die Resign- You resign Reveal map- Reveals all the map Pepperoni pizza- Give yourself 1000 food Coinage- Give yourself 1000 gold Woodstock- Give yourself 1000 wood Quarry- Give yourself 1000 stone No fog- Fog of War off Hari Kari - suicide Medusa- If your villager is being killed by the enemy, he will turn into a horse archer, and if that archer is being killed, he will turn into a catapult. Photon Man-Get guy with laser gun Gaia- Control over animals FLYING DUTCHMAN- Turn the juggernaughts to flying dutchmen STEROIDS- You get all units and upgrades in an instant Home run- You win the scenario Killx- (x = player's position); e. g. Kill2 (defeats the second player on the list) Bigdaddy- Get a very powerful car (attack: 300, HP: 500, range: 15) Big Bertha- Heavy catapults have greater range and damage ICBM- Ballistias get 100 range points Hoyohoyo- Priests get lots of speed and 600 hit points also I discovered these ones the other day: E=mc2 trooper- The nuke missile guy (attack: 300, range: 88) Jack be nimble- Do this when you have a catapult selected, it will then shoot cows if pointing north, and villagers doing cartwheels, and looking like super man in other direction. Dark Rain- turns composite bowman into stelf archer(walks on deep sea, morfs into a tree when not moving Zeus- Makes troops invisible Black Rider- Transforms Horse Archer into a Black Rider.