Cheats Aliens vs. Predator You need to download a patch with a "save game" option to enable these cheats. Get the patch here. Start the game with the "avp.exe -debug" command line parameter. While playing, bring down the console by pressing ~. Now enter any of the following cheats: Marine cheats: alienbot --- Creates AI controlled alien freakoftheuniverse --- God mode giveallweapons --- All weapons/ammo god --- God mode light --- Creates light around player marinebot --- Creates AI controlled marine observer --- Observer mode on/off predobot --- Creates AI controlled predator showcoords --- Shows level coordinates showfps --- Shows framerate Predator cheats: gimme_charge --- Replenishes predator energy skullcollector --- God mode giveallweapons --- All weapons/ammo god --- God mode light --- Creates light around player marinebot --- Creates AI controlled marine observer --- Observer mode on/off predobot --- Creates AI controlled predator showcoords ---- Shows level coordinates showfps --- Show framerate Alien cheats: theonedeadlycreautureevercreated --- God mode giveallweapons --- All weapons/ammo god --- God mode light --- Creates light around player marinebot --- Creates AI controlled marine observer --- Observer mode on/off predobot --- Creates AI controlled predator showcoords --- Shows level coordinates showfps --- Show framerate winneroftheonegreatbattleoftheuniverse --- Become the final Xenomorph Hidden bonus At the console, type RIPLEY_WAS_HERE