Army Men II Cheat Mode: Enter message mode pressing \, then type !when all else fails... to enable cheat mode. Next, enter one of the codes below to activate a cheat. Code - Effect !patton's speach - You've inspired your troops !i give up - Restart Level !veni vidi vinci - Skip Level !fond memories - ??? !night of the walking dead - Enemies turn in to zombies !suicide kings - Kill sarge !ninja arts - Sarge has stelth ability and is faster !god of gamblers - random item, sometimes infinite !techno - ?? !rubber cement ?? !paper dolls - parachuter's !watchtower in the sky - recon !geronimo! - 12 air strikes !beautiful nikita - infinite sniper rifel !fourth of july - M80 !roach spray - infinite Can "o" fire !ruby ray - infinite magnifying glass !aluminum foil - flak jacket !smorfs - Blue uniform !metal sheeting - Grey Uniform !shrink wrap - Tan uniform !pooper scooper - Mine sweeper !gnomish inventions - explosives !acme discs - land mines !a better tomorrow - ??something happens to your gun?? !no rocket launcher - infinate rocket launcher !village people - infinate flamethrower !i have a rock - infinate handgranads !cliche ending - ?? !phoenix! - Flame man !surprise party - Alot of enemies apear from no where !armageddon - everthing dies in a mass air strike !ucla - ??Go Bruins?? !doctor doctor - Full Health !moleman - ?? !spidey senses tingling - see all enemies on the map !jumpjets - ?? !warp 6 - ?? !santini - invincible