Castle of the Winds You can use a hex editor to hack your saved game file. Make sure you have a calculator or something that can convert between Decimal and Dexadecimal numbers. Create a copy of the file, and rename it. This way if you mess up, you haven't screwed up the original. Also, if you're running Castle of the Winds while hacking to see your progress; remember you need to re-load the saved game after saving the hacked file to see any changes. If you have no idea how to hex-edit a file, well, now's a good time to learn, and what better way to learn, than to cheat? :) Graphs are set like this: [Description] [Hex Location] [Modifier] The Modifier means the number in the hex location times the modifier. So if the location reads '02' and the modifier is 'x256' then the result is 512 (2 x 256 = 512). The game adds multiple modifiers together. Simple, no? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Current HP - 94 95 - x1 x256 Maximum HP - 96 97 - x1 x256 Current Mana - 98 99 - x1 x256 Maximum Mana - 9A 9B - x1 x256 So if you wanted to have 200 HP, you would set location '96' to the hex number C8. If a number is greater than 255 (FF), you need to go to the next set. Thus for 255 HP, you would set '96' to FF (255) and '97' to 00 (0). And for 256 HP, you would set '96' to 00 (0) and '97' to 01 (1). (255 x 1) + (0 x 256) = 255 (0 x 1) + (1 x 256) = 256 Confused yet? :) Divide the amount you want by the largest, then use smaller numbers for filler. Got it? Okay. So... If you wanted 270 HP. 256 divides into 270 once, with a remainder of 14. So you would set '96' to 14 and '97' to 01. Voila! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note about stats: 100 is the maximum. In Hex, that's 64. It would be silly to set it higher, because the game doesn't seem to recognize values higher than 100. Blue STR - 80 - x1 Blue INT - 81 - x1 Blue CON - 82 - x1 Blue DEX - 83 - x1 Green STR - 84 - x1 Green INT - 85 - x1 Green CON - 86 - x1 Green DEX - 87 - x1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two places to set experience. Make sure you set BOTH values to the SAME AMOUNT! Experience - 9E 9F A0 A1 - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 A2 A3 A4 A5 - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 It is probably best to check how many experience points you need for the next level, and enter that value minus 10 to 50. That way, you can also learn new spells and the shops will have new stuff when you gain a new level. Also, the last number sets a HUGE amount. You probably will never need to set it at all. Unless you are getting so high up in levels that you need 16 million points... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Class - A6 A7 - x1 x256 Normally, when you have no armor, your AC is 0. But if you set this value yourself, and remove your armor, your 'naked' armor class will be the difference between the set value and the value of the armor. So you don't have to worry about re-setting the value if you equip new armor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copper - 742 743 744 745 - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 Silver - 758 759 75A 75B - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 Gold - 76E 76F 770 771 - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 Platinum - 784 785 786 787 - x1 x256 x65536 x16777216 Remember the exchange rate if you want a certain amount. 10 Copper = 1 Silver 100 Copper = 1 Gold 1000 Copper = 1 Platinum By Wyrenth