Name: Chasm: The Rift V - 100000 credits Cheat codes for single same: AMMO - full ammo ARMOR - 200% CHOJIN - invulnerability DEPTH - change the depth of redrawing FULLMAP - open all map on level GO(#) - change level (only registered version) INVISIBLE - 2 minutes invisible KILL - kill all monsters on the level REANIMATE - all monsters began to resurrect RESPAWN(#) - set time of monster resurrection in sec. REVERSE - left & right sound chanel change between themselves. SHADOWS(#) - change amont of shadowing on monsters WEAPON - all weapon Codes for multiplayer game KICK(#) - turn off player #. KILLP(#) - kill player #. NICK - show currect nickname. NICK NEWNAME - set you nickmane in the game.