Get Medieval In Game Cheats: mpkfa - God mode mppos - Global position mpfps - Show frames per second mpomar - sun shield (1 min.) mpmintybreath - god like (1 min.) mpbandaid - no bleed mode mphighlander - 99 lives mplith - fills the screen with the lith simble mpstopwatch - shows elapsed time mpdevheads - makes a differnt face show on your screen mpbodyguard - No damage mpthewolf - Jump to the next level mpbadmofo - Go to previous level mpbringthegimp - Go to the boss area mpignition - Keys mpturbocharger - Scrolls mppetrol - Health mparmorall - Armor mpglovebox - Weapon mpshoes - 99 souls mpironpockets - Thief will not steal from player mplockpick - Skull key mptroadrunner - Speed boot artifact mpwinturbo - Super scroll artifact mpbadbreath - Freak artifact