Name : Hocus Pocus (Registered) Edit HOCUS.EXE file and change the following offsets: 119EB=B80100909090 - Start with both keys 75F0=0A 7662=0A 7698=0A 13DE5=0A 119E3=5802 - Start with Super Shot : Bytes at 119E3 dictate how long it lasts. Change 119E3 to 5830 to last a v.long time. 119FB=19 119DD=1 133A9=1 - Start with Super Jumps.Lasts forever not just for 1 jump =============================================================================== Internal Cheats --------------- Type either of the following during the game to activate the stated cheat. FEELGOOD - Gives full health BLAKE - Gives both keys BANANA - Gives laser shots (registered version only) QUARK - Gives rapid fire (registered version only)