Name: Maniac Mansion BE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR PROGRAM DISK BEFORE STARTING AND USE THE BACK UP FOR THE UNPROTECT. Modify only the backup copy!!! First you should rename the file or files MANIAC.EXE TO MANIAC.XXX Ex. C>rename maniac.exe Next Load program into debug... Ex. C>debug Then Follow the sample debug session: -e 8ede e8 5f cf 90 90 -e 5e40 c6 06 3c 1e ff c6 06 52 eb 00 c6 06 54 eb 00 c6 06 56 eb 00 c6 06 58 eb 00 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 Now write the new maniac game back to the disk: -w Writing XXXX bytes Then Quit Debug: -q Now it is time to rename back to maniac.exe C>ren maniac.exe Now try to run the new (Hopefully) unprotected version of Maniac Mansion C>maniac When you are asked for your entry code enter the first block 4 times. ========= |###| | ========= | | | ========= | | | ========= | | | ========= | | | ========= | | | ========= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *> Title: Maniac Mansion Solution *> Date : 11/14/88 *> Time : 11:14 pm Here it is: The solution to Maniac Mansion Typed by ==> Shadow Dragon <== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all choose the kids: Bernard and Razor to go with Dave. I choose these kids even though you can win with any combination. After choosing them, take Dave to the front of the mansion and have him open the bushes on the left of the stairs to the porch. Then go up to the mat and pull it to get the key that unlocks the front door. After getting inside, go right and open the door leading to the room with chandelier. Go into the room and change kids to Bernard. Have Bernard go to the room where Dave is, and open the radio there. Take the radio tube. Change to Razor and go to where Bernard is. Keep going right and open the door at the far end of the room and walk in. Use "what is" and find a lamp and turn it on. Go to the right end of the room near the chair and find the loos… pane‹ o th… wallÞ Ope i’ an„ ge’ th… cassett… tapeÞ Now change to Bernard and have him go left out of the room and up the stairs. Take another left and enter the painting room. Get everything there and change to Razor. Have Razor go left to the stairs in the entry room with the clock. Go upstairs and left to the music room. Turn on the television and afterwards change to Bernard. Go back downstairs and push the right gargoyle. Change to Dave and go through the door Bernard is holding open. Use "what is" to find the lightswitch and turn it on. Get the silver key at the left of the room and go back up. Have Bernard go into the kitchen which is through the door to the left of the stairs on the forward wall. Get the flashlight and go back to the room with the chandelier. Save the game before having Dave go into the kitchen. Go to the refrigerator in the kitchen and if Nurse Edna is not there get everything in it. If she is there, restore the game and wait awhile for her to leave. You can also pick up the chainsaw if you want. Then go through the door to the right and pick up the rotting chicken and week old roast. Go right and through the door. Pick up everything on the shelves. Unlock the screen door with the silver key and open it. Go through the door and pick up some pool water.Go back the way you came and wait in the dining room until Weird Ed leaves the kitchen. Now go upstairs to the steel security door and use the codes that come with the game. Go through the first door to the right. Turn on the desk lamp after finding it with "where is." Open the desk and get the manuscript. Read it and then read the chalkboard. There really isn't anything else much of interest there. Leave and go right and up the stairs. Give all your food to the tentacle and then fruit drinks. You can leave Dave in the photography room to the left for a while. Now have Razor go through the security door past the room where Dave is and up the stairs. Go through the first door you find which is Fred's bedroom. Go left and up the stairs to the Green Tentacle's room and get the record. Have Razor go back down to the music room. Now get Bernard through the security door to Doctor Fred's bedroom. Pick up the dime by his bed and put the radio tube in the tube compartment. Read the wanted sign. Whenever you hear the doorbell, have Razor who is closest go outside and get the package. Open the package to get stamps. Stay away from the front door so Weird Ed wont see you when answering the door. When the ºcoast is clear, have Bernard go to the fourth room where the weight machine is. Use it and read the calendar. See the sarcophagus is for the dead cousin. Have Bernard wait there while Razor, who is outside, rings the doorbell. Be sure to get Razor away from the door again. After Weird Ed is out of his room, go in the door to the left of the room you were just in, get the hamster, get the keycard, and get the piggy bank. The piggy bank will break and you can get the dimes. Leave quickly to the weights room. This time let Weird Ed see Razor at the front door after you have her ring the doorbell. Give the package to Weird Ed and he will take you to his room. Leave his room after he talks to you and go back to the music room. Record the record from the Green Tentacle's Room and play it in the chandelier room. Get the rusty key. It unlocks the basement door to the dungeon. Go back to the music room and record you playing the piano. Play the tape over again in the Green Tentacle's room. While there get the yellow key hanging on the right wall. Be sure to give Bernard the rusty and yellow key while he is upstairs near you. Have muscle man Bernard lift the grate outside in the front yard and then the garage door near the pool. Use the yellow key to unlock the trunk and get the tools. Also get the water faucet handle in the garage. Go to the pool ladder and change to Razor. Have her go downstairs to the grat… an„ ente itÞÐGŽ tŽ th… wate valv… an„ tur i’ onÞ Chang… to Bernard and climb the ladder. Get the radio and glowing key. Go up to the surface and change to Razor to turn off water valve. Then have Razor go tŽ th… librar› an„ hav… Bernar„ followÞÐBernard should fiœ th… phon… wit• th… toolsÞ The gŽ bacŠ tŽ th… weigh’ machin… rooŒ an„ gŽ throug• th… doo tŽ th… right. Open the curtains, fix the water faucet for the shower with the water faucet handle, turn on the shower, and turn it off. Remember the number shown. Get Bernard in front of Nurse Edna's room which is to the left of Weird Ed's room. Have Razor call the number from the bathroom. Get Bernard in Nurse Edna's room, get the small key, and climb the ladder. Find the light and turn it on. Open the picture. Have Razor call Edna again so Bernard can go back down and leave Edna's room. Get Bernard to go through the door to the far right with the man-eating plant. Use the paint remover on the paint blotch and change to Dave. Have Dave go to the man- eating plant room and give pool water to it. Then give it Pepsi. Have Bernard go up the man-eating plant and put 2 dimes in the coin slot. Each time you put in a dime press the right button. Then use the telescope. Now you can see the number to the safe. Go through Edna's room the same way you did before with the phone. Climb the ladder and open the safe. Take the envelope and leave. Remember to call Edna again so Bernard can escape. Take the glass from Dave. Go to Razor and give the glass and envelope to her. Have Razor heat the envelope and glass of water from faucet in the microwave. (Razor can also use the hamster in the microwave. Hee.. Hee..) Open the envelope and get the quarter and give it to Bernard. Put the demo tape from the Green Tentacle in the envelope and put the stamp on the envelope. Use the typewriter in the man-eating plant room to type the adress on the envelope. Place it in the mail. Have Bernard go to the man-eating plant room and Razor and Dave downstairs to the gargoyle. Have Razor push the gargoyle and have Dave go to the circutbreakers in the basement. Go back to Bernard and have him go through the door where the paint bloch was. Open the radio and put the batteries in the flashlight. Turn on the light there and walk to the broken wires. Have Dave turn off the power. Turn on the flashlight ºand fix the wires with tools. Have Dave turn the power back on. You should then direct Bernard to the arcade which is the door to the right of the room where the manuscript was found. Go to Meteor Mash game or whatever it's called. Use the quarter and write down the highscore. UnlocŠ th… coinboœ wit• smal‹ ke› an„ ge’ th… quarterÞ Wheneve th… contract arrives for the Green Tentacle's music, give it to the Green Tentacle and he will help you later. Now it's time for the final confrontation! There's two ways to end the game from here. Have Dave go to the basement with the glowing key, cardkey, yellow key, and rusty key. Use the rusty key to open the door on the left. Unlock the padlocks with the glowing key. Use the highscore for the code to the inner door. Now you can either: Have someone call the Meteor Police with the radio in Dr. Fred's room. The number is on the wanted poster also in that room. After the police take away the meteor, have Dave go in the lab and to the right through the door. Go to the closet and get the radiation suit. Use the cardkey to open the door on the right. Pull the switch in the next room and you solve the game. Have Razor go into the lab first and the Green Tentacle will protect her from the Purple Tentacle. Leave the lab and have Dave enter. Go right and through the door. If you have a quarter, you can get an ice cold pepsi from the machine. I'm not sure what you use it for though. Anyway, get the radiation suit and go through the door just like above. Turn off the power as I described above and grab the meteor. Take it to the right and you will be in the garage. Put the meteor in the trunk and use the yellow key to turn on the car. You will win the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------