Name: Starcraft Press [enter] to type codes: Power overwhelming - God Mode Show me the money - Gives you 10,000 gas and 10,000 crystal Operation CWAL - Speeds construction of buildings and units The Gathering - Gives unlimited energy to all casting units Game over man - Ends your game as a loss Staying Alive - Prevents the mission from ending due to victory or defeat There is no cow level - Completes the current mission Whats mine is mine - Free minerals Breathe deep - Free Vespene Gas Something for nothing - Gives all upgrades Black Sheep Wall - Shows entire map Medieval man - Free upgrades to units Modify the phase variance - Ability to build all buildings War aint what it used to be - Disables fog of war Food for thought - Ability to build units beyond the support limit Ophelia - Enter this to enable level skipping cheat. Then enter the mission you want to skip to (i.e., "terran10") to go there.