Cheats System Shock 2 Submitted by: Chris While playing a game, hold [Shift] and press [;] (semicolon) to display the command prompt. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Code --- result ubermensch --- Maximum stats psi_full --- All PSI points add_pool [number] --- Obtain indicated amount of cyber modules cycle_ammo --- Cycle available ammo shock_jump_player --- Jump the player look_cursor --- Set cursor into look mode reload_gun --- Reload weapon from inventory swap_guns --- Switch primary and secondary weapons select_psipower --- Bring up the PSI power selection open_mfd --- Open up an MFD by overlay constant equip_weapon --- Search and equip weapon from inventory cycle_weapon [-1 or 1] --- Cycle equipable weapons psi_power --- Act like the 1-5 level buttons stop_email --- Stop current playing email/log clear_teleport --- Clear existing teleport marker quickbind --- Bind quick slot quickuse --- Activate quick slot use_obj --- Use object by name interface_use --- Use an item in inventory play_unread_log --- Play unread log show_version --- Display version frob_toggle --- Switch between modes quicksave --- Save to current subdirectory quickload --- Load from current subdirectory frob_object --- Simple frob of selected object frob_object_inv --- Simple frob of selected object, in world or inventory toggle_compass --- Toggle compass state toggle_inv --- Toggle inventory panel toggle_mouse --- Toggle mouselook and cursor modes wpn_setting_toggle --- Toggle between weapon settings msg_history --- Toggle message history query [0 or 1] --- Toggle query cursor split [0 or 1] --- Toggle split cursor fire_weapon [0 or 1] --- Fire weapon drag_and_drop [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop drag_and_drop_frob [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop drag_and_drop_mode [0 or 1] --- Drag and drop summon_obj [item name] --- Create object from item list Enter one of the following item names with the summon_obj code: 20 nanites---ap clip---assault rifle---big nanite pile blast turret---brawnboost implant---crystal shard---electro shock emp rifle---fusion cannon---gren launcher---heavy armor ice pick---lab assistan